Tuesday, May 25, 2010

The Queens speech

For those of us that like a localist, freedom for the people type of governance today's Queens speech had some good offerings:

:: Opportunity for more schools to take up academy status. (I am looking at you EV)
:: Abolition of ID cards and National Identity Register. An absolute heinous piece of legislation should never have got this far.
:: Referendums on any future EU treaty. Does not go far enough but it is a start of a journey that will takes us (hopefully) to an "in/out" referendum.
:: Government to ''examine the case'' for a UK Sovereignty Bill to make clear that ultimate authority rests in the country.  See above
:: Legislation for fixed-term five-year parliaments, with a requirement for 55% Commons support to seek an earlier dissolution. No problem with fixed term but must remain 50% + 1
:: A referendum on the Alternative Vote for House of Commons elections. NO NO NO
:: Annual limit ''in the tens of thousands'' on non-EU migrants allowed to live and work in the UK.  Needs to be all Immigrants not just outside EU
:: Full strategic defence and security review.  The outcome MUST be to up the monies for our Armed services
:: New restrictions on the authorities' use of CCTV cameras and DNA data and a ban on the storage of internet and email records without good reason.  This is a really good thing councils have hidden behind legislation to  spy on Citizens 
:: Directly-elected individuals to hold the police to account. Another excellent piece of legislation to get trough, we can end the "job for the boys" culture of Cllrs spending more time protecting Chief Constables rather than making them answerable to the communities that they serve.  Chief Constables also need to understand that they serve communities not the Home Office statistics machine. 
:: Redrawing parliamentary constituency maps to reduce numbers of MPs and make seats a similar size.  Forget PR this is the way to get a fairer FPTP system and strong Government.
:: Power for voters to ''recall'' errant MPs with a petition signed by 10% of electors in a constituency.  About time
:: Proposals by the end of this year for a ''wholly or mainly elected'' Upper House of Parliament elected by proportional representation.  As long as I get to see Fatty Prescott get ennobled and become a fully paid up member of everything he claims to despise (the ultimate champagne socialist) then get kicked out, I can live with a fully elected Lords.
:: Simplification of benefits system to improve the incentive to work.  I would of preferred a harsher tone as in "loss of benefits for those who do not except work"
:: Relaxation of health and safely laws to allow ''commonsense policing''. If you will allow, A common sense piece of legislation
:: Stronger powers for police and councils to remove licences from problem pubs and clubs.  Sensible again a nod to local communities and their needs.
:: Cut in number of quangos and cost of bureaucracy.  HOORAH
:: Devolution of powers over planning and housing to local councils and communities, scrapping the Infrastructure Planning Commission.  Excellent
:: New rights for communities to take over state-run services. Innovative
:: Requirement for public bodies to publish salaries and expenses of senior officials online.  Everyone should see where there tax pounds are being spent, we have over the years overpaid for under achievers in Darlington
:: Residents' referendums on local issues - including the power to veto excessive council tax rises.  This is one of the best bits of the queens speech, putting power directly back into the hands of the people, brilliant.
:: Abolition of Home Information Packs.  Do I need to say anything about this, other than it was  stupid idea and rightly consigned to the bin.

All in all I thought a pretty good Queens Speech today, not far enough on some issues, too soft on others, but if the localist and returning of our liberties continue I for one will be happy.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

The New Tories

Now that Cllrs Mike Barker, Martin Swainston, Malcolm Dunstone et al are now Lib/CAMS I suppose it makes them Tory bitches.

I expect to see them vote with the Tories in Council a bit more often.

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

We can all stop the Fib-Dumbs have Darlington...............NOT!!

Utter tripe the Fib-Dumbs really are tosspots.

And they called Cameron arrogant

And talk about as changeable as the weather this in the space of a week;

It is of course all wishful thing on the part of the Fib-Dumbs, but it does show they cannot be trusted as they don't know arse from elbow.

Are Labour bothered

Tonight just two days before an election which decides the direction of our nation we have in Darlington the Council Leader (Labour) tucked up warm and cosy watching corrie or whatever soap is on this evening the questions have to be asked, have they given up? Are they Complacent? or is it that the candidate was foisted upon them and they want nothing to do with her.

Darlington must be well down the list of Tory Targets but it not unfeasible that we will win.

Like the national Government Labour in Darlington are spent, they have no ideas they just keep spending, at the moment we are up to 110 million in debt it is a pity our local elections are not until next year.

Monday, May 3, 2010

L is for Labour

remember this when you vote on 6th may.

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Bremner, always worth a second look

Always worth a second look, one line states "why Don't you like me" I have put some example below!

Labour have the best of Friends don't they!!

Friday, April 30, 2010

The Record in the North East


Find your Regions report here

The Debate

Last night I spent some time at Polam School for the Churches together debate for our Darlington Parliamentary Candidates, now this may seem a bit partisan but it was an outright win for Edward Legard - Conservative, Mike Barker in second for the Fib-Dumbs (they must have arses of leather, the amount of time they sit on the fence they should have splinters in not very nice places) and a very poor third was Labours Jenny Chapman.

I know our man won simply because Fred Lawton (Fib-Dumb)scored it as M Barker winning by a point and we all know how much the Fib-Dumbs exaggerate.  But it was a very enjoyable evening with a full hall and searching questions.

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Sorry my ARSE

Gordon Brown is a liar, he is not sorry only sorry he was caught.  This despicable little man showed his true colours today and what is more is those that try to defend and justify what he said are guilty of the exact same feeling toward us the people as brown himself.

The utter disdain that Mrs Duffy was treated to is truly awful, but rest assured Labour feel the same way about you, yes you lucky lucky people a vote for Labour is a vote for ignorance, lies and skullduggery.

Do not let this happen. On may 6th we have chance to rid the nation of this pigswill of a Government and the pigswill of its Minister and M.Ps for the good of the UK vote Conservative.

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Are they helping Labour?

Today here in sunny Darlington Labour candidate Jenny Chapman was making her way into the local radio station Star radio, nothing too odd in this other than no other candidate had been invited, my source tells me on enquiring she was there for something "after" the election, in what capacity I wonder, or are Star radio helping her out just like the Northern Echo and the Borough Council.

A council employee printed Business cards to hand out at an educational seminar run by the Council, has this person been charged have they been reprimanded?


And today in the Echo headed "Dirty Work for Candidate" where apparantly whilst out canvassing in the Park East area of the town she received complaints about litter.  She managed to get the charity Groundworks out and clear a vast area why when we have street scene which should have been contacted by cllrs,  but perhaps of more consequence than having DBC and the Northern Echo to help her campaign is the fact that this is a LIB/LAB pact that does not work as it has taken a parliamentry candidate to get the area cleaned up for the residents.

If they cannot work together locally for the good of the people what hope of them working together nationally.

Only the Conservatives are fighting to win and put our Country right, the lib-Dems and Labour are fighting to be the opposition and gain control in an underhanded way, do not let them do it.

The Fib-Dumbs in Darlington No 2

Mike Barkers latest leaflet has shown the Liberal-Democrats in their true light. Mike Barker has used phoney statistics putting the Liberal-Democrats ahead in the polls in Darlington but offers no source for the data. Why? Because he made it up perhaps?

He claims that voting Tory will mean that the schools that had been promised money by Labour now won’t receive that money, another fact that he has no evidence for. The real fact is that had that money ever really existed then the papers would have been signed before the election!

The truth is that Labour and the Liberal-Democrats are running campaigns based on the fact that they know they aren’t going to win the election. They are campaigns based on damage limitation for Labour and making hay while the Nick Clegg sun shines for the Liberal-Democrats but neither party has based their promises on truth.

The Conservatives have based their promises on truth because they know they will have to deliver them come 7 May.

If you want economic recovery, if you want job creation, if you want change and you can handle the truth then vote Conservative on 6 May.

Monday, April 26, 2010

The Fib-Dumbs in Darlington No1

On receiving Lib-Dem candidate, Mike Barker’s election address I note that he will not have an outside job, I trust his shop will be on the market soon or perhaps he isn’t that confident of winning. Surely he would not employ a manager and remain a director thus emulating Alan Milburn?

He speaks eloquently about help for local business, yet cannot find a Darlington printer and goes to Eaglescliffe and worse still Oldham, neither a help to local business or particularly Green as another of his promises fall by the wayside.

He goes on to mention the “Old Parties” yet on the same leaflet describes the Lib-Dems as “stronger now than at any time since 1929”, hardly new politics then!

He says that the Tories will scrap schools building projects, but David Cameron has no plans to cancel schemes where contracts have already been signed. As a Town Councillor perhaps Mr Barker could inform us as to whether this was signed before the election was called, if not then the money could already be gone as well he knows or is it as I believe just another lie another scare tactic.

A vote for the Lib-Dems will raise your expectations with their easy talk only to let you down by their actions.

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Zanu Labour Lies

After David Cameron in last nights debate on sky bitch slapped Brown over blatant lies appearing on Labour candidates leaflets I wonder if Jenny Chapman will be going back to the printers to have them removed from hers.

Of course with her not being seen around, I wonder if she is still running?

Friday, April 23, 2010

A fine impression

Our Labour candidate is doing a great impression of her predecessor, as in like Milburn she is nowhere to be seen.

Is she aware that there is an election going on?

Why are her colleagues so quiet?

You should vote or this lot will make more virals

People have fought and died for us to have the vote, now, some have been prepared to go further.

Please remember to use your VOTE on May 6th

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

It's not quite true is it Jenny?

Having had the Labour Candidates leaflet through my door it appears the poor dear has got it all wrong, when Labour HQ said exaggerate claims, they meant expenses if she becomes MP not exaggerated claims on her leaflet you know things like;

  • Backing strict rules on on immigration - Labour have allowed the flood gates to be opened to socially engineer our Nation for votes.

  • Getting more people off benefits and work to beat anti-social behaviour - Labour have created an underclass of people who have no aspiration, they take no responsibility for there actions, this is directly attributable to this Government.

  • Helped COUNTLESS community projects - I think a number could be put to this spurious claim.

  • The best I have saved till last, I quote "I will fight tooth and nail to stop any government taking services and investment away from Darlington" - This obviously does not count for her friends on the council when at last months special budgetary council meeting (the Labour candidate also a Town Councillor conspicuous by her absence) the ruling Labour group decided that spending cuts and a staff redundancy plan was the chosen solution  to the current deficit.

    So if she is not prepared to fight at a local level how can she be trusted at a national level?

Tuesday, February 2, 2010