Monday, April 26, 2010

The Fib-Dumbs in Darlington No1

On receiving Lib-Dem candidate, Mike Barker’s election address I note that he will not have an outside job, I trust his shop will be on the market soon or perhaps he isn’t that confident of winning. Surely he would not employ a manager and remain a director thus emulating Alan Milburn?

He speaks eloquently about help for local business, yet cannot find a Darlington printer and goes to Eaglescliffe and worse still Oldham, neither a help to local business or particularly Green as another of his promises fall by the wayside.

He goes on to mention the “Old Parties” yet on the same leaflet describes the Lib-Dems as “stronger now than at any time since 1929”, hardly new politics then!

He says that the Tories will scrap schools building projects, but David Cameron has no plans to cancel schemes where contracts have already been signed. As a Town Councillor perhaps Mr Barker could inform us as to whether this was signed before the election was called, if not then the money could already be gone as well he knows or is it as I believe just another lie another scare tactic.

A vote for the Lib-Dems will raise your expectations with their easy talk only to let you down by their actions.

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